Enhance Your Printing Experience with Kenbuyken Computers & Solar Comprehensive Printer Service and Maintenance Solutions.

Are you tired of dealing with printer issues that disrupt your workflow and compromise the quality of your prints? We understand the importance of a reliable printing environment, and that’s why we’re excited to introduce our Printer Service and Maintenance solutions designed to optimize your printing experience.

Why choose our Service?


Reliable Performance


Our skilled technicians perform regular maintenance to ensure your printers operate at their best, minimizing downtime and maximizing productivity.

Enhanced Print Quality


Say goodbye to faded prints and streaks. Our service includes thorough cleaning and calibration, resulting in consistently sharp and vibrant prints.



Regular maintenance can prevent costly breakdowns. Kenbuyken’s proactive approach helps you save money in the long run by avoiding major repairs and premature replacements.

Customized Plans


We understand that every business has unique printing needs. Our service plans can be tailored to suit your specific requirements, whether you have a single printer or an entire fleet.

Swift Issue Resolution


Should you encounter any problems, our responsive support team is just a call away. We pride ourselves on quick and effective issue resolution to keep your operations running smoothly.

Genuine Parts


We use only genuine manufacturer-approved parts and consumables to ensure optimal performance and longevity of your printers.

Firmware Updates


Stay ahead of the curve with the latest firmware updates. Our service includes regular checks and installations to keep your printers up-to-date.

What’s Included in our Service?


  • Thorough cleaning of exterior and interior components
  • Inspection and replacement of worn-out parts
  • Calibration for optimal print quality
  • Paper path and roller maintenance
  • Firmware updates and software optimization
  • Professional troubleshooting and technical support

Let’s Take Care of your Printers so you can Focus on your Business


Invest in the longevity and efficiency of your printing infrastructure with our Printer Service and Maintenance solutions. We are committed to delivering top-notch service that exceeds your expectations.

Ready to experience worry-free printing? Contact us today to discuss a customized service plan that fits your needs and budget.

Contact us today. We are Located at Rahimtulla Trust Building, 1st Floor, Room 19, directly opposite Bihi Towers. Call us on 0722292887/0720932377. Kindly also visit our Facebook page.

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